The WestGate@Crane Authority is a 9-member, quasi-governmental authority organized under IC 36-7-32 and through an Interlocal Agreement between the three counties comprising the technology park:  Daviess, Greene, and Martin Counties.  Each of the three counties has three appointments to the WestGate@Crane Authority.  The Authority owns and operates the WestGate Academy and is responsible for determining the allocation of tax revenues for the technology park. The members of the Authority are listed below:   

John Mensch, President, Greene County

Kent Parisient, Vice President, Daviess County

Dana Strange, Secretary, Martin County

Darren Holder, Daviess County

Joe Morris, Daviess County

John Preble, Greene County

Mark Bartlow, Greene County

Cody Roush, Martin County

Jerry Braun, Martin County