Artisan Electronics, Inc Twenty Years in the Tech Park

August 31, 2016

artisan  August 11, 2016- Artisan Electronics, Inc will devotedly celebrate twenty years of successful business in 2016. According to the company, their involvement has provided high quality engineering services to NSWC Crane, as well as the Tech Park since 1996. Vice President, Greg Sapp explains why Artisan's location in the Tech Park is significant. 'We were relocated to WestGate in 2011 and since then we have grown pretty significantly, and I would say a piece of that growth has been the ability to network with other companies here at WestGate@Crane Technology Park.' During their twenty years of business, Artisan Electronics has been directed by Founder and President, Greg Gossett with the assistance of Vice President, Greg Sapp. Starting off with only a handful of employees, Gossett has expanded the company to nearly thirty experienced engineers, former senior government members, and industry leaders. Sapp has also contributed greatly to the company by taking on many leadership roles conducting Artisan's day-to-day business. All employees of this small business reside in 10,000 feet of office and lab space in the WestGate@Crane Technology Park (Artisan Electronics). Founder and President, Greg Gossett gives recognition to his employees. '...[Our success] is a direct reflection of the quality and dedication of our employees.'  Artisan specializes in developing software that tests and measures instrumentation that is used to test and repair electronic device components and assemblies used by the US military.  The company's main purpose is to support the government and the military to provide them with the repair capabilities that they need. With their experience, Artisan has proven to deliver quality solutions to their customers. Gossett describes how important customer relationships are to Artisan. 'It is very important to foster relationships with our customers and it is an ongoing process... they come in and understand what Artisan is capable of doing... they have a degree of confidence [in] what we are able to [provide].' Artisan will continue to train young engineers to allow growth and add to the significance of the Tech Park in the coming years. Written by Paige Walton

STIMULUS Engineering/WestGate Academy Conferencing & Training Center Intern

Learn more about Paige here.