CICP Foundation Receives $35M from Lilly Endowment

March 21, 2022

16 Tech Innovation Building 1
The Central Indiana Corporate Partnership is headquartered at the 16 Tech Innovation District in Indianapolis. (photo courtesy of 16 Tech)
INDIANAPOLIS - The Central Indiana Corporate Partnership Foundation in Indianapolis has received five grants totaling $34.6 million from Lilly Endowment Inc. The foundation says the funds will be used to support collaborative projects in Indiana’s agbiosciences, life sciences, advanced manufacturing and logistics and technology sectors. The projects will be led by four of the CICP’s sector initiatives: AgriNovus Indiana, BioCrossroads, Conexus Indiana and TechPoint. A portion of the funding will be used to support CICP’s coordinated leadership to deliver programs and projects related to digital technology growth, entrepreneurial opportunities, and opportunities for diversity, equity and inclusion. The foundation says it identified the priority areas based on the findings of the Indiana GPS Project, which is a study of the state’s economy. “CICP is uniquely positioned to identify, understand and address many of our region’s greatest economic issues and challenges, thanks to the generous support of Lilly Endowment,” said CICP Chief Executive Officer David Johnson. The foundation says the funding will also allow for further development of existing platforms such as AnalytiXIN, which is designed to bring the state’s research universities and major corporations together to “deepen regional capacities in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics.”