GCDW: BIC readying for second electronic fundamentals course

July 9, 2017

Via Greene County Daily World The Battery Innovation Center is looking to fill positions for an additional course to get students certified in electronics fundamentals. According to Ben Wrightsman, Chief Operating Officer of the BIC, the course will be open to those interested in attending. “This course will give them the first year of electronics fundamental training under their belt,” he said. “It’s open to anybody in the region, whether they are high schoolers considering getting into the field or those who are currently employed and looking to skill up.” The course will be of low cost to free for those attending. According to a press release from STIMULUS Engineering, all tools and parts needed for the class are provided. “There are minimal qualifications for the course to be free, and if you don’t qualify there is plenty of local support in the case of complications,” Wrightsman said.
 Wrightsman added the first course, which started earlier this year, has seen major improvements in technical skills.
“Our most recent hire, Jonathon Pace, is a veteran who returned to the area. He’s been getting basic skills to get into the tech field, and we’re seeing his capabilities increase. He has an interest in engineering now, and we’re giving him the skills to make that a possibility,” Wrightsman said. “There’s a potential for employment upon completing the course as well.” The course will have space for between 12 and 20 students and will last one year. The course will begin Aug. 21. “We get tremendous feedback with the course, and we see the benefits in real time,” Wrightsman said. The course is made possible through a partnership between the BIC, WestGate, Vincennes University, Daviess, Greene, Martin and Lawrence Counties.