Greene County Daily World: Mother says Pregnancy Choices helped her choose life for unborn child

April 11, 2016

via Greene County Daily World Pregnancy Choices held their annual banquet at WestGate Academy for the second year in a row in April.

Mother says Pregnancy Choices helped her choose life for unborn child

Friday, April 8, 2016
Cheyenne Riley posed with her daughter, Dayzia, at the Pregnancy Choices banquet Thursday night. Riley told her story about the organization helping her choose life for her daughter. (By Sabrina Westfall)
The goal of Pregnancy Choices is to convince expectant mothers to choose life for her baby, and one woman's story details how the organization helped change her mind.More than 200 people turned out Thursday for the Pregnancy Choices banquet, which serves as a fundraiser and updates donors on the progress of the Linton-based organization. Pregnancy Choices Director Karen Worland said the goal of the Christian organization since its inception has been to inspire mothers to choose life, but this year it has altered the mission statement to include the empowerment of clients. 'We decided to revise our mission statement to better communicate who we are and what we are trying to be as a center,' Worland explained. The new mission statement reads, 'Pregnancy Choices is a Christian organization striving to end abortion and show the love of Jesus, while embracing, equipping and empowering men and women with healthy life choices.' Worland said the center hopes to continue to work toward ending abortion, but to also go much farther beyond that scope by giving the mother, father and child a fighting chance to get on the right track. 'For our clients, we want to embrace the women with the love of Jesus from the moment we answer their phone call, from the moment they walk through the door, we want them to feel loved and accepted ... We want to be able to give them that comfort and peace, and offer them a plan. The plan is where equip comes in. We want to equip them with services and education on their options and parenting, sexual health, abstinence, breastfeeding and biblical truths,' Worland explained. Worland said the goal of the center is to also empower both men and women to achieve their goals. Those in attendance were able to see a success story first hand, when Baby Dayzia's story was presented on the big screen. Cheyenne Riley and Dustin Grissom were on screen describing their journey from the first visit to Pregnancy Choices to now being the proud parents of Dayzia. Riley said she had a suspicion she might be pregnant, so she decided to utilize the free services at Pregnancy Choices, starting with a pregnancy test. Riley said the night before she went to the center, she decided she could not keep her baby. She was already a single mother to a young boy with special needs, and she did not think she could handle another child. 'I was really upset. Emotional. Crying. I already had it in my head from the night before I decided I needed to come in here that I wasn't going to be able to keep the baby,' Riley recalled. The representatives of Pregnancy Choices asked Riley to consider coming back in for an ultrasound at the facility, and allow them to give her more information about the possibility of adoption. 'I told myself that I would just wait until they did the ultrasound, so I could see how far along I was and just go from there. So, I came back to Pregnancy Choices and had an ultrasound done, and I was already almost 20 weeks pregnant,' Riley said. She had not expected to see a forming baby, and knew right away she would not be able to abort her child. 'It wasn't just a little bean sack on the monitor. She was already a developing baby. And once somebody sees something like that, it completely changes your mind. So, the option I was dead set on was no longer an option --not only because I was too far along, but I saw a baby,' Riley recalled. 'Everything just fell into place where I was supposed to have this baby. Riley said she also knew in her heart she would not be able to give her child up for adoption, so she readied herself to become a mother again. Grissom said the two decided on a name for their daughter -- Dayzia -- which they later learned means 'God's gift.' Riley said her pregnancy with Dayzia pulled both herself and Grissom out of a hole. While they were already proud parents of Gage, she credits continuing her pregnancy with this little girl with 'saving their lives.' Riley and Dayzia were in attendance at Thursday's banquet, noting Grissom wanted to come but had to work. Pregnancy Choices is located at 74 W. Vincennes St. in Linton. The organization is operated primarily on donations. To learn more, call 812-847-4611 or