Greene County Daily World: Wounded veterans to be honored with parking spaces at WestGate Technology Park

May 12, 2016

Via Greene County Daily World Thursday, May 12, 2016
In conjunction with Armed Forces Day and Military Appreciation Month, WestGate Academy and WestGate Technology Park will unveil two newly purposed parking spaces May 19 at 11 a.m., in a special ceremony in conjunction with the Romans Warrior Foundation.The parking spaces will honor those who have served our country; one space will be specifically for Purple Heart recipients and the other space will be designated for all Wounded Warriors. Several speakers and representatives will be in attendance, including Brian Romans, founder of the Romans Warrior Foundation, a not-for-profit organization whose stated overall goal is to 'Provide Veterans with a cost free, theraputic weekend retreat. This weekend will offer various opportunities of healing through interaction with fellow Veterans. In the experience of our founder, the best way to begin healing, is with those that have walked those same steps to get where we are today.' Romans is the key force behind the project, and several articles about his foundation have appeared previously in the Greene County Daily World.
'The parking places came to be after a short discussion I had with the folks at WestGate Academy. We began to talk about the foundation, and I explained I was a medically retired Marine. As the discussion continued, it was decided to produce the signs and designate the spaces, to bring awareness and to perform a relatively simple gesture to demonstrate appreciation of our Nation's heroes,' said Romans.Romans is currently seeking to raise funds to purchase land for the Foundation's retreat, and has a GoFundMe account which can be visited at, keyword 'romanswarriorfoundation' Also appearing will be Brenda Goff from U.S. Senator Dan Coats' office, Jerry Parkinson from U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly's office, Larry Ordner from U.S. Congressman Larry Bucshon's office and Indiana State Senator Mark Messmer will be playing the national anthem on trumpet. The ceremony will include the speakers, a reveal of the designated parking spaces, and an explanation of the purpose and the need for the spaces. Cake will be served at the ceremonies' conclusion, and the public is welcome and invited to attend. 'The simplicity of a handshake, a 'Thank you for your service', the waving of an American flag, these gestures mean the world to our veterans,' said Romans. 'This ceremony to honor our veterans is a welcomed event that I hope increases in frequency throughout the region.' For more information about the Romans Warrior Foundation,