INside Indiana Business: Battery Innovation Group Makes Deal with NSWC Crane

March 6, 2016

bic indianaVia INside Indiana Business CRANE - Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division has reached an agreement for a public-private partnership with Newberry-based Battery Innovation Group LLC. The deal allows BIG to utilize NSWC Crane's battery research labs and equipment. The Center of Industrial and Technical Excellence partnership is a technology transfer agreement, allowing for the use of battery testing and evaluation capabilities at NSWC Crane's facility. BIG says the deal also allows for regional economic development. 'We are excited about adding another strategic agreement to our T2 portfolio,' said NSWC Crane Commanding Officer, Captain JT Elder. 'Agreements of this nature foster cooperation between the Department of Defense and private industry and help to reduce cost and maximize capacity.' BIG is a for-profit partner of the Battery Innovation Center that focuses on providing services to the commercial energy storage industry, including testing and certification, contract manufacturing and product marketing. The BIC, which is located adjacent to NWSC Crane, is a nonprofit organization that focuses on the development, testing and commercialization of lightweight energy storage systems for commercial and defense organizations.