Media Advisory: $3,500 in scholarships awarded to three Daviess County students at the 5th Annual WestGate@Crane College Fair.

October 2, 2017

[caption id='attachment_3059' align='alignnone' width='300'] Pictured left to right: Cary Bledsoe with STIMULUS Engineering, Alleigh Dillman, Brady Turner, Lance Swartzentruber, Alexandria Hancock with WestGate Academy, and Ben Wrightsman with Battery Innovation Center[/caption]   WestGate@Crane, Ind. - Oct.3, 2017 - Three scholarship recipients were announced at the 5th Annual WestGate@Crane College Fair Tuesday, October 3. The three Daviess County students were among ten applicants from area schools. Money raised from the annual Running for our Future 5K exceeded fundraising goals this summer. This allowed the WestGate@Crane scholarship fund to grow from $3,000 last year to $3,500 this year. 30 colleges and universities were in attendance as well as more 350 students from 10 regional high schools. The three Daviess County scholarship winners beat seven other applicants from area high schools. Alleigh Dillman, who received a $2,000 scholarship, is a senior at Washington High School. Dillman says that coming from a single parent household doesn’t hold her back from her plans of becoming a first-generation college student. “Being first in something means a lot. It shows that no matter what you go through or how much you have you can accomplish anything.” Dillman plans to attend the University of Southern Indiana to study Pre-Law, a field she’s been interested in since childhood. “[Law] has just really intrigued me ever since I was little,” says Dillman. To apply for a scholarship, applicants were required to write an essay addressing a world issue that could be solved or mitigated through the improvement of an area of science, technology, engineering, or math, and describe how that could be accomplished. The 2017 scholarship winners, schools, and essay titles are as follows:
  1. $2,000
Alleigh Dillman  Washington High School “Neglecting the Environment and the Road Towards A Scummy Future”
  1. $1,000
Brady Turner  Washington High School “Addressing the Promise of Biochemical Innovation in the Food Industry and its Potential to Combat Climate Change, Deforestation, World Hunger, and Human Health”
  1. $500
Lance Swartzentruber  Barr Reeve High School “The Future is Mobile”