NDIA Lunch and Learn Discusses How to Avoid World War III

January 21, 2015

Col. David Augustine (Ret.) Speaks at WestGate Academy AugustineWestGate@Crane – January 22, 2015 – Scenes from Top Gun and Dr. Strangelove greeted the crowd at the National Defense Industrial Association’s (NDIA) January Lunch and Learn. Filling a large classroom at the WestGate Academy Conferencing and Training Center, business, government, and military leaders gathered to hear from Col. David Augustine (Ret.), formerly of the Indiana Air National Guard and now Chairman of the Northeast Indiana Defense Industry Association (NIDIA) and Senior Vice President of Business Development for Stryke Industries. Augustine titled his remarks, “World War III: Avoiding the Unthinkable,” a topic that played well with clips from the famous films, showing the U.S. nuclear capabilities. That capability, Augustine said, is the key to preventing large-scale war.DSC_0323 Recent social media hacks have brought international war into the spotlight. Twitter feeds from United Press International and New York Post were used to claim a Chinese attack on the USS George Washington in the South China Sea. No attack occurred, but the incident brought scenes of fresh, widespread, international conflict to the forefront. Calling the defense industry the “arsenal of democracy,” a moniker from the second world war, adding that the country must remain prepared and not be dull to the threats posed by an increasingly active Russia and a powerful China, not to mention protecting interests on the European front.  Nuclear deterrents are the creative legacy of the defense industry, Augustine said, and they are the key to preventing another world war. After spending the previous day learning about the capabilities of Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Crane, Augustine remarked he was impressed not only by the base’s rich history of service to the country, but also by the clear Hoosier pride and commitment to service members he saw on display. “I can’t say enough how impressed I am by NSWC Crane,” said Augustine. “Our warfighters are only as good as the equipment we put in their hands, and Crane and its industry partners are providing the best.” NDIA regularly features speakers like Col. Augustine, providing an opportunity for networking that is a key function of the WestGate Academy. To stay informed about other networking, social, and educational opportunities, visit www.westgatecrane.com and sign up for the official newsletter.