Purdue@WestGate bridging gap between Indiana Manufacturers and doing business with the government

September 13, 2022

On Tuesday, September 06, Purdue@WestGate and Indiana Procurement Technical Assistance Center hosted a new, first-of-its kind event. Indiana Manufacturing Day offered guidance and resources to small businesses on how they can grow their businesses through government contracting. Twenty manufacturers from across the state were represented at the event in hopes of adding their capabilities to the Indiana defense industry, specifically with NSWC Crane. “This event did a great job of showcasing how important manufacturing is to DoD, the State of Indiana and our country.  As businesses become more intentional about moving manufacturing work back to the United States, Indiana is positioned to lead that charge.  It was great seeing small, Indiana, manufacturers eager to support the DoD and specifically the mission at NSWC Crane.  The manufacturing capabilities we have in our state are second to none.  This is definitely an event I want to be involved with going forward.“  Matt Burkett, Director of Small Business Programs, NSWC Crane. The event featured a panel discussion based on lessons learned and the future of contracting. Representatives from NSWC Crane, Conexus, DIBBS Navigator and Tri Star Engineering sat on the panel that was moderated by State Director of Indiana PTAC Program, Chris Jeffers. “Indiana PTAC is committed to helping Indiana businesses win government contracts to sustain, grow and expand their businesses in Indiana,” said Jeffers. “The Indiana Manufacturing Day event was a perfect example of how Hoosier businesses come together to share best practices and collaborate with NSWC Crane and Purdue University.” Purdue@WestGate hosts monthly webinars with the Indiana PTAC and strive to bridge the gap between Indiana Manufacturers and the Department of Defense. “This was the first event we have attended, and it did not disappoint. It was great to meet other like-minded individuals and learn from their experiences and expertise. We would recommend any company looking to enter the government sales space to attend,” said Micah Reed of Motus Tracking Solutions. The day concluded with an open house at the new ManTech building located within the WestGate@Crane Technology Park. ManTech also featured the Dell Day Technology Bus that is currently touring nationwide. Purdue@WestGate intends to make Indiana Manufacturing Day an annual event. Learn more about Indiana Manufacturing Day on the event website: Indiana Manufacturing Day | WestGate Academy (westgate-academy.com).   Indiana Manufacturing Day was sponsored by Indiana Procurement Technical Assistance center, Precise Systems and Green County Economic Development Corporation. Dell Day Technology Bus outside of ManTech Panel discussion based on manufacturing lessons learned and the future of contracting. Pictured from left to right: Carlos Gaitani, President of Tri Star Engineering; Eric St. Ours, Mechanical Engineer/Additive Manufacturing at NSWC Crane; Tom Ernst, Co-owner of DIBBS Navigator; Matt Burkett, Director of Small Business Programs at NSWC Crane; Susan Carlock, Vice Chair to the Conexus Indiana Advanced Manufacturing Council and Co-Owner of Mursix Corporation; and moderator, Chris Jeffers, Indiana State Director PTAC Program. Purdue@WestGate is a regional partner supporting and connecting startups, industry, universities, and the DoD, including hosting regular webinars that dive into topics within the defense industry, entrepreneurship, innovation, and personal development. Visit EVENTS | WestGate (westgate-academy.com) to view a full calendar of upcoming events, including startups and defense organizations driving hypersonic, AI and cybersecurity innovation. Please contact program manager, Samantha Nelson for questions at sjnelson@prf.org