Resultant to Expand DOC Learning Management System

March 21, 2022

Indy-based Resultant is an IT consulting firm. (photo provided)
INDIANAPOLIS - An Indianapolis-based technology and analytics consulting firm has been hired by the Michigan Department of Corrections to expand its statewide learning management system. Resultant will work with the MDOC to offer offenders access to virtual instruction, certification programs, the electronic law library, and documentation needed for the job market. Resultant, which is a Google Cloud Premier Partner and Google Education deployment partner, says the expansion will provide IT services for the learning management system, as well as upgrades that will better support students and facilities. “Michigan Department of Corrections holds an innovative approach to serving its offenders and supporting rehabilitation across the state,” said Josh Wakefield, Resultant’s vice president of public sector services. “Resultant is proud to work with MDOC to lead the way in pioneering statewide learning management systems, tackling a number of technical challenges that arise when serving the unique environmental requirements of correctional facilities. This program has already proven to impact lives and will further its impact with the expansion of services.” Resultant says the expansion was spurred along by a migration of the department’s outdated legacy systems to a cloud platform. The new system provides reliable uptime, improved security, and a view of the entire education process for an offender. The MDOC provides educational services to more than 7,000 students at 30 facilities across the state. Its programs include GEDs, career and technical education, state and national credentials, Title I programming, and postsecondary classes.