WAMW: Westgate hosts 3rd annual CTE Summit for local students

November 18, 2016

Via WAMW Twelve high schools from Daviess, Martin, Greene, Lawrence, Monroe, Orange and Owen Counties, and a total of over 500 students attended Friday’s CTE Summit at the Westgate Academy at Crane. It was the 3rd annual summit and largest so far.  Haas Automation and the Region 8 Works Council along with the local Career Centers/Cooperative hosted the event.  It was developed so students learn options for possible careers while engaging in active thinking around regional opportunities.   Hoosier Hills Career Center Assistant Director Christi McBride says the event helps students understand there are options available close to home. He added the focus  is to regionally acknowledge what we have. and to try to create an opportunity to end brain drain.  40 vendors were on hand.