WBIW: Former Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann To Facilitate 5th Innovative Conversation At WestGate Academy

October 18, 2016

Via WBIW (WESTGATE@CRANE) - This year's Legislative Day will be facilitated by former Lieutenant Governor and Ivy Tech Community College President Dr. Sue Ellspermann today, at WestGate Academy Conferencing & Training Center. Southwest Indiana businesses, industries, and educational institutions are collaborating under Brainpower (a sub-committee of the I-69 Consortium) to address regional workforce and educational issues at the 5th Innovative Conversation. Legislative Day is a conversation about the workforce pipeline, tackling one of the Hoosier state's biggest issues: building a labor pool to close skill and attrition gaps faced by regional industry. In order to build a sustainable workforce pipeline, legislation around education needs to be modified to support multiple pathways to success. Attendants for the 5th Innovative Conversation will include regional state legislators, school administrators, employers, state universities, and economic development agencies. The agenda includes an update and initiative announcement from the Brainpower organization, a conversation on how to support legislators through business enterprises, and a legislative panel and open discussion with attendees. According to the Southwest Indiana Chamber blog, 'The Brainpower Task Force is charged to create sound education and imaginative, entrepreneurial educators that can generate 21st-century brainpower with skills to support globally competitive businesses.' The purpose of the I-69 Consortium is to 'develop a culture and environment that supports the I-69 Regional Corridor.' Due to its central location in the Southwest region, WestGate Academy provides close proximity that will engage a broad group of business, education, and legislative leaders. STIMULUS Engineering, a small business and Department of Defense contractor, will host the event. Legislative Day will take place today from 10 a.m. to Noon, Eastern Time.