WBIW: Lock and Key Co-Working Space At WestGate Academy Nurtures Local Startup

April 27, 2016

Via WBIW (WESTGATE@CRANE) - Lodgepole Pine Productions (LPPine) newly launches at WestGate@Crane Technology Park's co-working space, The Lock and Key. LPPine is a video production business that creates positive change through video storytelling. Lodgepole Pine Productions founder, Sarah Miller, explains she feels it is easy to overlook the incredible stories that surround us in our daily lives and within our communities. With this drive, she was able to start her own business in order to exhibit these stories through the art of video. Miller also states The Lock and Key provided her the support and advice she needed to make LPPine a success. 'I used to work as a television reporter and loved what I did for people. There's a certain responsibility a journalist accepts when telling someone else's story. You become a platform for their story to be told and shared. I felt like there were parts of that missing [from television] and I believed that I could do in a different way. That is why I started Lodgepole Pine Productions.' Miller plans to gain more contributors in the fall and continue to grow her business by receiving more stories to spotlight for the community. She says she also understands the importance of involving students in her work. Miller is accepting applications for students who want to become video contributors for LPPine. She adds she has completed some video content, but there is more to come in the near future. The Lock and Key is a collaborative co-working space at WestGate Academy. Memberships are currently being accepted and student memberships are available at a discounted price. It is located just outside of NSWC Crane, making it the perfect place to meet with private and defense industries. Miller is also the Media Specialist at WestGate Academy, where she helped establish The Lock and Key co-working space. Miller is a Bloomfield High School and Purdue University graduate.