WestGate@Crane College Fair 2015

September 28, 2015

WestGate@Crane College Fair announces scholarship winners, attracts more than 800 regional students. WestGate@Crane, IN-September 29, 2015- More than 800 students from 12 high schools and 5 counties attended the WestGate@Crane College Fair in the WestGate@Crane Technology Park. Additional groups of individual and homeschool students also took part in the event. 35 colleges and universities registered from Illinois, Kentucky, and Indiana. Thank you to all of the applicants! The money from the “Running for Our Future 5K”, in honor of Chuck LaSota, funded $3,000 in scholarships at today’s fair. Three winners were chosen: Clay Reynolds from Shakamak High School won $500, Jessa J. Newby from North Daviess Jr. /Sr. High School won $1,000, and Alex T. Stuffle from North Daviess won $1,500. The third annual fair had more students, more high schools, more colleges and universities, and more scholarship money awarded than ever before. “I’m really happy we were able to pull this off for area students. There just really isn’t a better opportunity to learn from all of these colleges and universities in one place and time,” said organizer Alexandria Jackson. Jackson said this year the event was more engaging for students. WAMW Radio of Washington, Indiana presented live at the event and interviewed students about their college fair experiences. STEM Premier, an online platform for students, colleges, and businesses, was available so students could connect and create accounts onsite. The WestGate@Crane College Fair involved participating students in a live Twitter feed and Periscope stream. The event began at 9:00 and ended at 11:00 AM. Scholarships were awarded at 10:00 AM. Local sponsors funded prizes that were awarded throughout the fair. Some colleges and universities in attendance were Rose-Hulman, Marian University, and the University of Southern Indiana. [caption id='attachment_999' align='aligncenter' width='300']Winner of our $1,500 scholarship Winner of our $1,500 scholarship, Alex T. Stuffle of North Daviess Jr./ Sr. High School[/caption]