WTH: Purdue-Crane announce new agreement

July 27, 2017

Via Washington Times Herald The involvement of Purdue University in the WestGate at Crane Tech Park has quickly turned into a pair of cooperative agreements between Purdue researchers and the Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division (NSWC Crane). The agreements are expected to help save lives through improved communications and defense of U.S. Navy fleets and eliminating dangerous counterfeit laptops and other electronics. The agreements are part of an ongoing effort by Purdue to work through costly issues with the armed forces. The latest are part of the Purdue Discovery Park’s i-GSDl. “The cooperative agreements with Purdue are another sign of how Crane recognizes the importance of Purdue research in directly augmenting and improving Crane’s mission,” said Daniel DeLaurentis, interim director of the Institute for Global Security and Defense Innovation. “These are the first examples of contact mechanisms that will allow Purdue and Crane to easily work together and increase the research that we work together on going forward.”
The collaboration is a result of a recently announced partnership between WestGate Authority, NWSC Crane, Purdue and Purdue Research Foundation. The collaboration will advance educational, research and development, and technology commercialization both statewide and beyond. “These cooperative agreements are truly exciting opportunities and exemplify the growing strategic relationship between NSWC Crane and Purdue,” said Crane technical director Brett Seidle. “NWSC Crane is committee to partnering with the academic community for research in support of out nation’s defense and we appreciate our continued association with Purdue University.” One of the projects in the agreement calls for developing a way to detect and discriminate between authentic and counterfeit electronic components. The problem is one that has plagued the Navy for years. The other calls for building computer models for a system of systems that can help coordinate information and communication between the Navy’s various sections, including ship radar and aircraft and satellite sensors, each trying to detect possible threats. “The ability to link all of that information together and understand all the complex meanings in that data so the commanders can understand how to defend the fleet appropriately is an example of the mission the Navy does every day,” said DeLaurentis. Officials from both sides of the political aisle are praising the joint venture and agreements. “These agreements are bringing two great Hoosier institutions together to support our national defense and the safety and security of our service members,” said U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee who helped facilitate the relationship between Crane and Purdue. “It has been my honor to help bring Purdue and Crane together and enhance their collaboration because we know that we get the best, most innovative solutions by working in tandem.”
“This is a huge step toward keeping the Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division as one of our national defense sites,” added State Representative Jeff Ellington (R) of Bloomington. “As a member of the Military Base Planning Council, I understand that Crane, which is in our community, is significant for maintaining the security of the United States. “The partnerships developed among Crane, higher learning institutions including Purdue and Indiana Universities, local businesses and leaders, will bring exciting opportunities to Southwest Indiana with a goal to create new jobs and economic development. The initiative will also help with technology research and commercialization of the military industry, encouraging entrepreneurs to start new businesses new businesses that will complement the community.” State Representative Mike Braun (R) of Jasper, whose District 63 sits next to Crane praised the newly formed collaboration between Crane, Purdue, and WestGate. “Located near the Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division, WestGate tech park serves as a hub for entrepreneurs and existing businesses rooted in the military industry to collaborate innovate and grow their companies,” he said. “With the educational and technological support of Purdue and other higher education institutions, this partnership will lead to new academic and economic opportunities for the people of Southwest Indiana. “Together with my fellow members of the Military Base Planning council, I’ll work with WestGate, NSWC Crane, Purdue and business and community leaders to continue attracting new businesses to the park and spurring economic development in the region.”