You Are Invited!

May 17, 2016

Public welcome to help commemorate as WestGate@Crane Technology Park designates wounded veteran parking at WestGate Academy, paying tribute to those who have served and sacrificed. WestGate@Crane, Ind. - May 18, 2016 - WestGate Academy Conferencing & Training Center, the event center in WestGate@Crane Technology Park, will reveal two parking spaces specifically designated for wounded veterans Thursday, May 19 at 11:00am. The parking space reveal ceremony will take place in conjunction with Armed Forces Day and National Military Appreciation Month. One space will be for Purple Heart recipients, which is given to U.S. veterans injured or die in combat. The second space will be reserved for all wounded veterans, including those injured outside of combat and those suffering from mental disorders such as PTSD. Several speakers and representatives will be in attendance including Brian Romans, founder of Romans Warrior Foundation, Brenda Goff from U.S. Senator Dan Coats’ office, Jerry Parkinson from U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly’s office, Larry Ordner from U.S. Congressman Larry Bucshon’s office, and Indiana State Senator Mark Messmer will be playing the national anthem on trumpet. More than 100,000 people have attended an event at WestGate Academy since its opening in 2012 and there are 1.8 million Purple Heart recipients in the United States, according to the Wounded Warriors Family Supportorganization. Due to the Academy's proximity to NSWC Crane, more than 35 government contractors, and location along the I-69 corridor, these parking spaces will serve as a tribute to many wounded service men and women for years to come. The installation of the signs and organization of the reveal ceremony was made possible by volunteers at Romans Warrior Foundation. Romans Warrior Foundation is a newly established nonprofit aimed at healing veterans after they return from serving our country and transition to civilian life. Romans Warrior Foundation Founder, The Lock & Key coworking space member, and Marine Corps veteran Brian Romans says this event matters to draw attention to and respect those who have fought for our country. 'It is important for the distinction of these American Warfighters, especially in today's society where some seem to forget what it takes to be free and those men and women who sacrificed so much to allow us our many freedoms.' Romans says it is important to have both signs and parking spaces. 'The significance to initially placing these designated areas at the WestGate Academy is to bring recognition to these brave Americans who continue to serve Americas military aboard NSWC Crane. As a predominant entity utilizing the Academy, many Veterans continue their Patriotic duties as either government employees or government support contractors, working aboard the base; this is our chance to visually say 'Thank you!' Other businesses should have these signs as a token of their appreciation to these brave men and women.' If your business is interested in designating wounded veteran parking at your facility, please contact Brian Romans at (910) 376-2971. The ceremony will include speakers, a reveal of the designated spaces, an explanation of the purpose and the need for these spaces, and cake following the ceremony. The public is invited to participate in this free event. RSVP here.
Agenda: 11:00am - 11:15    Colors Presentation by Loogootee American Legion & VFW 11:16 - 11:20        Star Spangled Banner played on the trumpet by Mark Messmer 11:21 - 11:28        Brenda Goff- Senator Coats' Office 11:29 - 11:36        Jerry Parkinson - Senator Donnelly's Office 11:37 - 11:45        Larry Ordner - Congressman Bucshon's Office 11:46 - 12:00pm   Brian Romans - Romans Warrior Foundation 12:01 - 12:15       Unveiling of wounded veteran & Purple Heart recipient signage and spaces 12:16 - 1:00         Social: Cake & drinks will be provided